Monday, 4 March 2013


I'm sitting here, blogging, just 19 hours away from my PHYSICS FINALS! I am so nervous.. Not only is this my worst subject, I am FAR from well prepared.

I just realised I haven't touched Magnetism since June 2012!
And that I have NO notes in Alternating Currents.
And that I haven't learned the derivations for a Compound Microscope or an Astronomical Telescope.
And that nearly all the formulas look the same.
Half of them go ------- one-by-4-pi-epsilon-something-into-something-by-r-square-or-something.
The other half go -BInA or IBAn or BAn-omega or something.

I mean - GEEZ!

I'm gonna go to that exam hall and sit there, and forget EVERYTHING!!!!! And when that happens, I'll pretend to be calm. And then I'll realise my time is limited. And then I'll make up shit. And then I'll come home sad. And then I'll ruin it for the other exams.

I'm depressed.

Tatii V

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